The title of this article is almost verbatim the title of chapter 23 of Robinson Crusoe. No doubt untold numbers of scholars and writers have detailed the racism in this classic novel; have explained Crusoe’s white-European understanding of his “servant” Friday as “the noble savage” who accepts European culture without […]
Red Famine by Anne Applebaum: The Ukrainian Holodomor and Journalists Competing For Dictators
Red Famine: Stalin’s War On Ukraine, by Anne Applebaum, details the Holodomor, a famine imposed by USSR/Stalin on Ukraine that killed millions of people in the early 1930s. Applebaum explains that the “term [is] derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger – holod – and extermination – mor.” Citing experts, […]
The Folklore of Capitalism
For people deeply indoctrinated, like USians, it is difficult to fight your way from the Right to the Left, or out of the Right, without the emotional energy and restorative peace of works of art. Some of us only make it out of families, or churches, or schools, because we […]
Poisoning the Public Heart: the treason of the Confederacy and January 6
“The Great Treason Plot in the North During the War” By Col. I. Winslow Ayer and January 6: There’s no time like our time for a visit to the post-Civil War accounting of and accountability for the actions of traitors and their movements.
The Old Plantations and Their Owners of Brazoria County, Texas by Abner J. Strobel
When still inside TDCJ hell, a friend asked me to see what I could find about the connection to plantations and the prison units he was imprisoned in: Ramsey Unit. Excerpts of my letter responding: There’s really not a major work on Ramsey Plantation / Prison. I consulted two resources […]
Hubert Harrison: The Black Socrates
Book: When Africa Awakes by Hubert H. HarrisonJeffrey B. Perry (Ed.)Diasporic Africa Press Hubert H. Harrison is the W.E.B. Du Bois, C.L.R. James, Ida B. Wells, Marcus Garvey that we’ve never heard of. Described by Richard B. Moore as the “Black Socrates” and by A. Philip Randolph as “the father […]